I'm just over a week away from my departure for Sweden. On Thursday, January 15th, I will be leaving for the adventure of a lifetime- a semester long study abroad at the University of Uppsala in Uppsala, Sweden (see map in next post). If things go according to plan, I will arrive in Stockholm around 8AM on Friday the 16th. Then it's a short, 30 minute, train ride to downtown Uppsala and a hop, skip, and a jump across the river to the university. Upon arriving I need to move into my modest studio-style apartment. Luckily I have my own bathroom and kitchen! And I'll be living in a building with both international and Swedish students. Let the friend making commence! I'll also need to get my schedule from the chemistry department. I am supposed to take an intensive physical chemistry class that would transfer as two classes back at Purdue, but I won't know if the class is actually offered until I show up on Monday at 9AM because at Uppsala registration is a physical process- students must show up for the first class in order to register and depending on attendence that first day, a class will be held that semester. If it isn't offered, then I'm going to have an interesting senior year if I want to graduate in 4 years and I'll need to find a different class to take. Wish me luck!
While I'm in Sweden, I'm going to use a Swedish phone so that will be long distance for you guys though I'll have limited international calling/texting each month on my normal number. The best way to get ahold of me is via email or AIM/MSN Messanger/Facebook/Skype (comment if you need my SN or email). I'll try to update the blog at least once a week as well as upload pictures to both Facebook and Flickr though I might not always get a chance to add captions (see links to the left). Please subscribe to my RSS/Atom feed to receive notifications via your blog reader when I have new posts or check Facebook where my notes tab will be importing this blog.
While I'm in Sweden, I'm going to use a Swedish phone so that will be long distance for you guys though I'll have limited international calling/texting each month on my normal number. The best way to get ahold of me is via email or AIM/MSN Messanger/Facebook/Skype (comment if you need my SN or email). I'll try to update the blog at least once a week as well as upload pictures to both Facebook and Flickr though I might not always get a chance to add captions (see links to the left). Please subscribe to my RSS/Atom feed to receive notifications via your blog reader when I have new posts or check Facebook where my notes tab will be importing this blog.
hello, "H." That's gonna get confusing. I'm excited you're visiting the land of my great grandparents. Let me know if you run into anyone with the last name "Molin"...they may be distantly related to me! (e was added when my GGPa crossed through Ellis Island)